EVA for Pets
Elk Antler Chews
About EVA for Pets
At Shooting Star our customers who purchase EVA for their four legged friends are not pet “owners” – but have pet “companions”!
Our pets are our companions and they are a very important part of our families. Our pets depend on us for their nutrition and our love. In return they provide us with their passion for all that life has to offer and their unconditional love. We are blessed with companions ourselves at Shooting Star Ranch, and that’s how we know that your pets are a very integral part of your family too and that it is important to you that they have a long and healthy life.
Even though EVA has been used for medicinal purposes in the Asian and European communities for over 2,000 years, more recent history reports that people all across North America are discovering just how important EVA can be to the health and longevity of their pets. Pets of all ages benefit from the complex mix of ingredients in EVA. In particular, pets that are suffering from inflammatory or arthritic type pain and decreased energy and stamina can abundantly benefit from EVA.
EVA works better than other single ingredient natural or manufactured products because of the combination of nutrients available in EVA such as calcium, glucosamine, chondroitin and omega 3 that provide a synergistic effect. The result of combining the efforts of many nutrients shows a much greater gain than the effort of a single nutrient. With no known side effects, EVA is one of the safest, quality alternative supplements available to you and your pet.
- relief from arthritic symptoms
- relief from hip dysplasia
- improved hair coat
- increased vitality
- improved kidney function
- improved thyroid function
- accelerated wound healing and tissue repair
- bolster the immune system
- reduced affects of aging
- support gastrointestinal function that allows for better digestion and absorption of foods and nutrients. It also may reduce the damaging affects of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) that are often prescribed for pain relief.
With more and more research being done on EVA, it is gaining the attention of those individuals that deal with canine and equestrian health problems.
What research is there?
***The Companion Animal Research Group at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Montreal University had these findings from their extensive research with dogs and EVA:
“Consideration should be given to a powder of quality elk velvet antler in the treatment of canine osteoarthrosis.” – Published Canadian Veterinary Journal February 2004, Volume 45, pg. 133-139.
A 90-day animal toxicology study funded by QEVA Velvet Products
Corp. demonstrated that velvet antler is safe. Results showed that, at 25 times the normal dosage, no dose related toxic symptoms or lethality occurred.
Why is EVA important for pets?
EVA is a natural, safe way to prevent joint degeneration and reduce the discomfort of arthritic or other joint pain in dogs. EVA appears to slow the progression of diseases such as hip dysplasia. Other factors that affect joint health such as lifestyle, exercise and weight are also very important to monitor. EVA can promote bone and muscle growth in puppies. Anecdotal evidence shows help for horses with musculo-skeletal conditions, hoof and hair growth and wound healing. It has also been reported to improve thyroid function.
There is strong literature support, anecdotal evidence and testimonials from so many of our customers that EVA does not produce drug-related side affects. EVA is a safe, quality alternative that you can count on.
Your pets (horses, dogs or cats) may benefit from what EVA has to offer. It has been used for the treatment of many disorders and general well being issues with wonderful results.
EVA is not a cure-all but it has been proven to definitely improve the quality of life for animals in a safe and affordable manner. At Shooting Star, we believe that decisions about your pet’s nutrition should be just as important as the considerations given to you and your family’s own nutrition. Longevity and wellness for your pet deserves to be of utmost importance. EVA is a natural, annually renewable resource that every “pet parent” should consider. You can make an important difference in your pet’s life from their very early years right through to their senior years thus providing many more quality years of companionship. EVA will provide your pet with so much more than you will ever be able to provide through their regular diet!
What a vet has to say about EVA
“These, and countless other case studies, have made it clear to me that velvet antler has a place on my shelf for treating a number of osteoarthritic and musculoskeletal conditions in animals. Not all animals respond, but then, an aspirin does not work on all headaches. Alternative treatments for many conditions are becoming more commonplace in both people and pets.” Dr. Clinton Balok, New Mexico, U.S.A.
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